" See that you do not look down on one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually behold the face of My Father who is in heaven."
– Matthew 18:10 (NASB)

Message From The Sheriff
Jackson County Sheriff’s Office is proud to introduce Sheriff Russell Brinsfield!
Sheriff Russell Brinsfield has taken office as the new Sheriff of Jackson County, elected on January 1st, 2023. He brings a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to serving and protecting the citizens of Jackson County. Sheriff Brinsfield is focused on strengthening the relationship between law enforcement and the community, and addressing pressing issues such as crime and drug trafficking.
The Sheriff’s Office is proud to have Sheriff Brinsfield at the helm, and the citizens of Jackson County can rest assured that they are in good hands. He is dedicated to serving and protecting the community and will work tirelessly to keep Jackson County safe and secure.
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One More Person can make All the Difference
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Forms and Reports
General Feedback
Your opinion about the Sheriff’s Office is important to us and we take it seriously. We welcome your feedback in order to maintain and improve our professional standards. If you have general comments and/or observations about sheriff personnel and would like to provide us with feedback about how we’re doing, please complete the form.
This form does not require your name or your email for delivery. You may choose to provide your contact information by selecting the appropriate check-box prior to submitting the form.
Extra Patrol Request
Extra Patrol Requests make it possible to inform patrol officers of consistent neighborhood problems or conditions that are not of an emergency nature. This initiative is designed to be an effective, proactive response to neighborhood concerns.
Example: groups of disorderly teens that routinely congregate on local street corners. Likewise, this mechanism has been successfully used to inform the sheriff office of special community events so that officers can provide additional security. Basically, any non-emergency problem or condition that the patrol force should be made aware of can be reported using the Extra Patrol Request form below.
Please include as much information as you can. Incomplete or inaccurate information will delay processing and may compromise our ability to quickly and effectively respond.
Residence Security Check
Are you leaving for a family vacation or for a business trip? The Sheriff’s Office provides the residents of Jackson County with a free residence security check, situation permitting.
Please provide the following information at least 72 hours before the service is needed.
The Sheriff’s Office offers this service to the citizens of Jackson County, Arkansas on a limited basis. Our patrol officers will check on your residence up to two times per day, when possible and circumstance allow. Any crime or property damage that may occur during your absence can not and will not be the responsibility of this department or city.
Commend an Employee
If you would like to commend an employee of the Sherif’s Office, please fill out this form. Thank you.